5 Feb 2025


3Com 3CCFE575BT, 3CXFE575BT, 3CCFE575CT, and 3CXFE575CT Network Driver

Company: 3Com
Model: 3CCFE575BT, 3CXFE575BT, 3CCFE575CT, and 3CXFE575CT
Operating System: Not Specified (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: fe575cx.zip


3Com 3CCFE575BT, 3CXFE575BT, 3CCFE575CT, and 3CXFE575CT Driver. The file FE575CX.EXE from 3Com's site is compressed with LHA.EXE which doesn't seem to like really long directory path names and/or NTFS. Rebuilt the files into a zip which Winzip will open & extract w/o lha.exe.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 4581 03-24-99 14:27 COMSLINK.CFG 32 05-19-99 15:30 ADDEM900.TXT 1141 08-22-94 14:24 ! 38262 08-25-99 15:20 DOSDIAG.EXE 40072 07-14-99 13:13 EL575ND3.SY_ 40099 07-14-99 13:13 EL575ND4.SY_ 47560 06-15-99 14:01 EL575ND5.SY_ 12249 04-29-99 09:46 ELPC575.DL_ 12293 05-13-99 15:50 ELPC575A.DL_ 737453 01-30-02 15:22 fe575cx.exe 36624 01-10-96 00:00 LHA.EXE 7471 01-13-99 16:19 LICENSE.TXT 7615 08-03-99 07:24 NET3C575.CAT 7911 08-03-99 07:24 NET3C575.INF 48977 05-13-99 15:39 OEMSETUP.INF 205 12-07-99 14:36 PARTNO 3869 09-21-98 10:02 TC575NDI.DL_ 216064 06-04-99 13:55 UN3C575.EXE 2274 05-01-99 16:35 UNATTEND.TXT 21259 03-23-99 19:30 comslink/COMSLINK.EXE 238647 03-23-99 14:37 comslink/COMSLINK.SAC 1562 12-07-99 10:07 comslink/COMSLINK.TXT 65168 06-25-99 18:33 nwclient/ELPC575.COM 308 02-25-97 11:55 nwclient/ELPC575.INS 2087 06-25-99 18:08 nwclient/NET.CFG 2558 11-24-99 12:40 help/BANYAN.TXT 4613 11-24-99 12:39 help/INSTRUCT.TXT 774 11-24-99 12:39 help/ISVLIST.TXT 1962 11-24-99 12:41 help/LANMAN.TXT 989 11-24-99 12:39 help/LANSRV.TXT 3654 11-24-99 12:41 help/LANTASTK.TXT 3800 12-01-99 12:53 help/NTCONFIG.TXT 2372 11-24-99 12:41 help/NWDOSODI.TXT 3414 11-24-99 12:41 help/PATHWORK.TXT 16368 12-01-99 12:38 help/README.TXT 1137 11-24-99 12:41 help/ROADMAP.TXT 6996 11-24-99 12:40 help/SUPPORT.TXT 1200 11-24-99 12:40 help/TROUBLE.TXT 3585 11-24-99 18:03 help/WFWNDIS.TXT 2349 11-24-99 12:39 help/WFWNETWR.TXT 5417 11-24-99 12:39 help/WIN9X.TXT 715 11-24-99 12:39 help/WINDOWS.TXT 3676 11-24-99 12:40 help/WINNT.TXT 0 01-30-02 16:14 mslanman.dos/drivers/ 0 01-30-02 16:14 mslanman.dos/drivers/ethernet/ 0 01-30-02 16:14 mslanman.dos/drivers/ethernet/elpc575/ 49136 06-23-99 18:41 mslanman.dos/drivers/ethernet/elpc575/ELPC575.DOS 712 12-29-98 10:57 mslanman.dos/drivers/ethernet/elpc575/OEMSETUP.INF 3481 06-25-99 18:05 mslanman.dos/drivers/ethernet/elpc575/PROTOCOL.INI 0 01-30-02 16:14 mslanman.dos/drivers/nif/ 208 02-04-99 15:05 mslanman.dos/drivers/nif/ELPC575.NIF 49136 06-23-99 18:41 ndis2/ELPC575.DOS 208 02-04-99 15:05 ndis2/ELPC575.NIF 712 12-29-98 10:57 ndis2/OEMSETUP.INF 3481 06-25-99 18:05 ndis2/PROTOCOL.INI 12149 09-21-93 17:30 utils/FILCPY.EXE 23467 09-21-93 17:30 utils/FILEDT.EXE 8037 09-21-93 17:30 utils/FILFND.EXE 12400 06-28-94 14:21 utils/PACK.EXE 8645 11-13-97 15:00 utils/SHOWVER.EXE 31911 03-10-98 19:47 wfw311/ELPC575.38_ -------- ------- 1863045 61 files

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