14 Mar 2025


Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) Network Driver

Company: Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC)
Operating System: Windows 2000 Pro (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: SP19195.exe


Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) Driver.  
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 49152 11-02-01 03:01 8255xdel.exe 5920 11-02-01 03:01 8255xndi.dll 8606 11-02-01 03:01 ANSMW2K.INF 4681 11-02-01 03:01 ANSMW98.INF 6257 11-02-01 03:01 ANSPW2K.INF 5426 11-02-01 03:01 ANSPW98.INF 29312 11-02-01 03:01 Cbmodem.sys 23552 11-02-01 03:01 cfgmgr32.dll 1 11-02-01 03:01 D100disk 89761 11-02-01 03:01 diag100.exe 0 11-02-01 16:56 DOS/ 59 11-02-01 03:01 DOS/drivers.dos 32880 11-02-01 03:01 DOS/e100b.dos 2054 11-02-01 03:01 DOS/e100beds.nif 62343 11-02-01 03:01 DOS/E100bodi.com 532 11-02-01 03:01 DOS/E100BODI.INS 39748 11-02-01 03:01 DOS/ipxodi.com 18356 11-02-01 03:01 DOS/lsl.com 473 11-02-01 03:01 DOS/net.cfg 78749 11-02-01 03:01 DOS/netx.exe 279 11-02-01 03:01 DOS/protocol.ini 31523 11-02-01 03:01 e100b.cat 61712 11-02-01 03:01 e100b.sys 119808 11-02-01 03:01 e100b325.sys 31523 11-02-01 03:01 e100ba.cat 242688 11-02-01 03:01 e100bcfg.exe 110864 11-02-01 03:01 e100bnt.sys 123152 11-02-01 03:01 e100bnt5.sys 62343 11-02-01 03:01 E100bodi.com 32866 11-02-01 03:01 e100bw2k.cat 21007 11-02-01 03:01 guide.hlp 17744 11-02-01 03:01 iANSNdi.dll 146192 11-02-01 03:01 IANSNT4.sys 7094 11-02-01 03:01 iansw2k.cat 59152 11-02-01 03:01 iansw2k.sys 26457 11-02-01 03:01 iansw98.cat 117520 11-02-01 03:01 IANSW98.sys 49152 11-02-01 03:01 inetwh32.dll 23040 11-02-01 03:01 intelnic.dll 24915 11-02-01 03:01 mdme100b.cat 19490 11-02-01 03:01 Mdme100b.inf 19540 11-02-01 03:01 Mobile.txt 2983 11-02-01 03:01 Net82557.din 44301 11-02-01 03:01 net82557.inf 33511 11-02-01 03:01 net8255a.inf 102756 11-02-01 03:01 neti557x.inf 0 11-02-01 16:56 NMS/ 133 11-02-01 03:01 NMS/Data.tag 469 11-02-01 03:01 NMS/data1.cab 2817 11-02-01 03:01 NMS/data1.hdr 4685 11-02-01 03:01 NMS/lang.dat 611 11-02-01 03:01 NMS/layout.bin 147456 11-02-01 03:01 NMS/NMSAPI.DLL 9644 11-02-01 03:01 NMS/NMSCFG.SYS 22107 11-02-01 03:01 NMS/NMSCFG.VXD 24778 11-02-01 03:01 NMS/NMSDD.SYS 57436 11-02-01 03:01 NMS/NMSDD.VXD 40960 11-02-01 03:01 NMS/NMSINST.DLL 20480 11-02-01 03:01 NMS/NMSMsg.DLL 1077248 11-02-01 03:01 NMS/NMSSvc.Exe 36864 11-02-01 03:01 NMS/NMSSvcPS.DLL 450 11-02-01 03:01 NMS/os.dat 37136 11-02-01 03:01 NMS/RegSvr32.EXE 71680 11-02-01 03:01 NMS/Setup.exe 129 11-02-01 03:01 NMS/Setup.ini 64878 11-02-01 03:01 NMS/setup.ins 300 11-02-01 03:01 NMS/Setup.iss 49 11-02-01 03:01 NMS/setup.lid 27648 11-02-01 03:01 NMS/_ISDel.exe 34816 11-02-01 03:01 NMS/_Setup.dll 175312 11-02-01 03:01 NMS/_sys1.cab 3905 11-02-01 03:01 NMS/_sys1.hdr 1199 11-02-01 03:01 NMS/_user1.cab 4281 11-02-01 03:01 NMS/_user1.hdr 46592 11-02-01 03:01 nt4updt.exe 13187 11-02-01 03:01 ntupdate.inf 26235 11-02-01 03:01 Oemsetup.inf 0 11-02-01 16:56 PROSET2/ 119 11-02-01 03:01 PROSET2/data.tag 469 11-02-01 03:01 PROSET2/data1.cab 2837 11-02-01 03:01 PROSET2/data1.hdr 4685 11-02-01 03:01 PROSET2/lang.dat 611 11-02-01 03:01 PROSET2/layout.bin 450 11-02-01 03:01 PROSET2/os.dat 53248 11-02-01 03:01 PROSET2/PROInst.dll 61440 11-02-01 03:01 PROSET2/PROMon.exe 147456 11-02-01 03:01 PROSET2/PRONtObj.dll 2486 11-02-01 03:01 PROSET2/PROSETP.CNT 671744 11-02-01 03:01 PROSET2/PROSetp.cpl 178149 11-02-01 03:01 PROSET2/PROSETP.HLP 903 11-02-01 03:01 PROSET2/prosetp.reg 53248 11-02-01 03:01 PROSET2/PROUnstl.exe 317952 11-02-01 03:01 PROSET2/ROBOEX32.DLL 71680 11-02-01 03:01 PROSET2/setup.exe 103 11-02-01 03:01 PROSET2/setup.ini 75508 11-02-01 03:01 PROSET2/setup.ins 346 11-02-01 03:01 PROSET2/setup.iss 49 11-02-01 03:01 PROSET2/setup.lid 0 11-02-01 16:56 PROSET2/Win95/ 22528 11-02-01 03:01 PROSET2/Win95/cfgmgr32.dll 1270 11-02-01 03:01 PROSET2/Win95/PROSETFS.CNT 74851 11-02-01 03:01 PROSET2/Win95/PROSETFS.HLP 724992 11-02-01 03:01 PROSET2/Win95/Prosetp.cpl 342288 11-02-01 03:01 PROSET2/Win95/setupapi.dll 27648 11-02-01 03:01 PROSET2/_IsDel.exe 34816 11-02-01 03:01 PROSET2/_setup.dll 175312 11-02-01 03:01 PROSET2/_sys1.cab 3905 11-02-01 03:01 PROSET2/_sys1.hdr 1689 11-02-01 03:01 PROSET2/_user1.cab 4281 11-02-01 03:01 PROSET2/_user1.hdr 903 11-02-01 03:01 prosetp.reg 53248 11-02-01 03:01 PROUnstl.exe 13920 11-02-01 03:01 Readme.txt 37136 11-02-01 03:01 RegSvr32.EXE 0 11-02-01 16:56 setup/ 9370 11-02-01 03:01 setup/CSI_Data.reg 98 11-02-01 03:01 setup/Data.tag 469 11-02-01 03:01 setup/data1.cab 2895 11-02-01 03:01 setup/data1.hdr 0 11-02-01 16:56 setup/HotAdd.NT4/ 21913 11-02-01 03:01 setup/HotAdd.NT4/Oemsetup.inf 1005 11-02-01 03:01 setup/HotAdd.NT4/readme.txt 780 11-02-01 03:01 setup/Install.cnt 27162 11-02-01 03:01 setup/Install.hlp 4685 11-02-01 03:01 setup/lang.dat 612 11-02-01 03:01 setup/layout.bin 450 11-02-01 03:01 setup/os.dat 71680 11-02-01 03:01 setup/Setup.exe 139 11-02-01 03:01 setup/setup.ini 81312 11-02-01 03:01 setup/setup.ins 49 11-02-01 03:01 setup/setup.lid 297989 11-02-01 03:01 setup/_inst32i.ex_ 27648 11-02-01 03:01 setup/_ISDel.exe 34816 11-02-01 03:01 setup/_Setup.dll 175312 11-02-01 03:01 setup/_sys1.cab 3905 11-02-01 03:01 setup/_sys1.hdr 114398 11-02-01 03:01 setup/_user1.cab 4515 11-02-01 03:01 setup/_user1.hdr 13 11-02-01 03:01 verfile.tic 9578 11-02-01 03:01 wol558.vxd -------- ------- 7996022 140 files

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