14 Mar 2025


Tangent 2050 Network Driver

Company: Tangent
Model: 2050
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: NBC-025_Wlan_xp.zip


Tangent 2050 Driver. Tangent Shuttle 8700 (model#: 2050)

Pentium M (Centrino) i855PM DDR Notebook

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 7313230 11-26-02 02:58 Wireless Lan/Askey 802.11a+b/V2.1.1.7/data1.cab 13237 11-26-02 02:58 Wireless Lan/Askey 802.11a+b/V2.1.1.7/data1.hdr 512 11-26-02 02:58 Wireless Lan/Askey 802.11a+b/V2.1.1.7/data2.cab 346602 07-25-02 02:07 Wireless Lan/Askey 802.11a+b/V2.1.1.7/ikernel.ex_ 417 11-26-02 02:58 Wireless Lan/Askey 802.11a+b/V2.1.1.7/layout.bin 56320 09-04-01 22:23 Wireless Lan/Askey 802.11a+b/V2.1.1.7/Setup.exe 153 11-26-02 02:58 Wireless Lan/Askey 802.11a+b/V2.1.1.7/Setup.ini 160767 11-26-02 02:58 Wireless Lan/Askey 802.11a+b/V2.1.1.7/Setup.inx 48128 01-23-03 01:26 Wireless Lan/Intel 802.11b/Application/1028.mst 50688 01-23-03 01:26 Wireless Lan/Intel 802.11b/Application/1030.mst 56832 01-23-03 01:26 Wireless Lan/Intel 802.11b/Application/1031.mst 3584 01-23-03 01:26 Wireless Lan/Intel 802.11b/Application/1033.mst 53760 01-23-03 01:26 Wireless Lan/Intel 802.11b/Application/1034.mst 51200 01-23-03 01:26 Wireless Lan/Intel 802.11b/Application/1035.mst 56832 01-23-03 01:26 Wireless Lan/Intel 802.11b/Application/1036.mst 56832 01-23-03 01:26 Wireless Lan/Intel 802.11b/Application/1040.mst 68608 01-23-03 01:26 Wireless Lan/Intel 802.11b/Application/1041.mst 68608 01-23-03 01:26 Wireless Lan/Intel 802.11b/Application/1042.mst 56832 01-23-03 01:26 Wireless Lan/Intel 802.11b/Application/1043.mst 50688 01-23-03 01:26 Wireless Lan/Intel 802.11b/Application/1044.mst 53248 01-23-03 01:26 Wireless Lan/Intel 802.11b/Application/1046.mst 50176 01-23-03 01:26 Wireless Lan/Intel 802.11b/Application/1053.mst 48640 01-23-03 01:26 Wireless Lan/Intel 802.11b/Application/2052.mst 76904 10-16-02 06:11 Wireless Lan/Intel 802.11b/Application/ANSMXP.INF 68068 10-16-02 06:11 Wireless Lan/Intel 802.11b/Application/ANSPXP.INF 8925 01-17-03 23:09 Wireless Lan/Intel 802.11b/Application/gprsinst.ini 57344 10-07-02 18:18 Wireless Lan/Intel 802.11b/Application/iansmsg.dll 8034 10-31-02 18:28 Wireless Lan/Intel 802.11b/Application/ianswxp.cat 89088 10-09-02 22:21 Wireless Lan/Intel 802.11b/Application/ianswxp.sys 264 10-25-02 18:26 Wireless Lan/Intel 802.11b/Application/OemVer.reg 36864 12-12-02 19:02 Wireless Lan/Intel 802.11b/Application/PROSet.exe 19390464 01-23-03 01:26 Wireless Lan/Intel 802.11b/Application/PROSet.msi 47732 08-06-02 20:53 Wireless Lan/Intel 802.11b/Application/s8023Dev.Reg 184320 01-11-03 18:55 Wireless Lan/Intel 802.11b/Driver/SetupWLD.EXE 4233 01-09-03 22:37 Wireless Lan/Intel 802.11b/Driver/SetupWLD.INI 954368 01-12-03 19:12 Wireless Lan/Intel 802.11b/Driver/W20MLRES.DLL 307200 01-10-03 21:52 Wireless Lan/Intel 802.11b/Driver/W20NCPA.DLL 954368 01-12-03 19:13 Wireless Lan/Intel 802.11b/Driver/W70MLRES.DLL 13265 01-16-03 19:50 Wireless Lan/Intel 802.11b/Driver/w70n51.cat 80581 01-11-03 19:54 Wireless Lan/Intel 802.11b/Driver/w70n51.inf 2370688 01-13-03 00:07 Wireless Lan/Intel 802.11b/Driver/w70n51.sys 32768 11-06-02 21:23 Wireless Lan/Intel 802.11b/Driver/w70n5msg.dll 446526 01-10-03 21:51 Wireless Lan/Intel 802.11b/Driver/W70NCPA.DLL 57344 01-11-03 18:55 Wireless Lan/Intel 802.11b/Driver/WLDMLRES.DLL -------- ---- 33855242 44 files

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