1 Mar 2025


Microsoft IIS max connections Network Driver

Company: Microsoft
Model: IIS max connections
Operating System: Windows 2000 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: MaxConnections.zip


Microsoft IIS max connections Driver. The version of IIS included with Windows XP Professional is not as versatile or powerful as

the one shipped with server editions of Windows. Its principal limitations are that it lets

you create only one Web site and one FTP site, and it allows a maximum of 10 simultaneous

TCP connections. (Practically speaking, because some Web pages might require multiple

connections, this might mean that no more than seven users can be accessing your Web or FTP

site at any one time.) To use IIS with more than 10 simultaneous connections or to create

multiple Web or FTP sites, you need one of the server editions of Microsoft Windows.

The connection limit precludes your using Windows XP Professional as a platform for hosting

an e-commerce site or any other kind of site that’s intended to reach the public at large.

IIS can be increased to 40 connections if you tweak windows. I have used this on Windows 2K

windows XP home and windows XP pro and it worked on all versions. I have not used it with

windows XP service pack 2 yet so I am not sure about that. anyway all you have to do is go

to my computer and add and remove programs click on the add and remove windows components

button then check the box to install Internet Information Services IIS If it is not

installed already. once this is done run the batch file MaxConnections.bat and it will

enable The maximum connections avaliable to IIS.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 82 03-03-04 00:00 MaxConnections.bat 1405 09-24-04 23:30 Read1st.txt -------- ---- 1487 2 files

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