Model: Inspiron 15R 5520
Operating System: Windows 8 x64 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)
File: Network_Application_XR83W_WN_3.1.1307.0362_A00.EXE
Dell Computer Inspiron 15R 5520 Driver. Bluetooth Driver File
File Contents: Length Date Time Name
-------- ---- ---- ----
91448 07-31-13 20:07 btmgr.exe
33496064 07-11-13 09:10 Intel Bluetooth.msi
20614 07-25-13 01:28 Intel Bluetooth.msi_Update/Drivers/
155448 07-31-13 20:08 Intel Bluetooth.msi_Update/Drivers/Win64/ibtrksrv.exe
188872 07-01-13 13:43 Intel Bluetooth.msi_Update/Drivers/Win64/ibtrmgmt.dll
114632 07-01-13 13:43 Intel Bluetooth.msi_Update/Drivers/Win64/ibtusb.sys
1207056 04-02-12 05:55 Lang/setupARA.dll
1196304 04-02-12 05:56 Lang/setupCHS.dll
1196304 04-02-12 05:56 Lang/setupCHT.dll
1213200 04-02-12 05:55 Lang/setupCSY.dll
1211664 04-02-12 05:55 Lang/setupDAN.dll
1215760 04-02-12 05:55 Lang/setupDEU.dll
1216784 04-02-12 05:56 Lang/setupELL.dll
1196848 06-06-12 08:11 Lang/setupENU.dll
1215248 04-02-12 05:56 Lang/setupESN.dll
1211664 04-02-12 05:56 Lang/setupFIN.dll
1216272 04-02-12 05:56 Lang/setupFRA.dll
1205520 04-02-12 05:56 Lang/setupHEB.dll
1211152 04-02-12 05:56 Lang/setupHUN.dll
1214736 04-02-12 05:56 Lang/setupITA.dll
1201936 04-02-12 05:56 Lang/setupJPN.dll
1200912 04-02-12 05:56 Lang/setupKOR.dll
1214224 04-02-12 05:56 Lang/setupNLD.dll
1211152 04-02-12 05:56 Lang/setupNOR.dll
1214736 04-02-12 05:56 Lang/setupPLK.dll
1212688 04-02-12 05:56 Lang/setupPTB.dll
1213200 04-02-12 05:56 Lang/setupPTG.dll
1213200 04-02-12 05:56 Lang/setupRUS.dll
1211664 04-02-12 05:56 Lang/setupSVE.dll
1208592 04-02-12 05:56 Lang/setupTHA.dll
1211152 04-02-12 05:56 Lang/setupTRK.dll
2220344 07-31-13 20:08 mup.exe
3229 07-04-13 07:51 mup.xml
6628 08-21-13 22:04 package.xml
5794616 07-31-13 20:08 Setup.exe
23192 03-15-13 21:08 Setup.xml
-------- ----
72357055 36 files