14 Mar 2025


Acer Veriton 9100 Network Driver

Company: Acer
Model: Veriton 9100
Operating System: Windows 95 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 905c9xd1.exe


Acer Veriton 9100 Driver. This self extracting file contains the drivers for the 3Com 3C905C-TXM LAN Adapter for Windows 95, Windows 98 Windows NT4.0, and Windows Millennium. Download this file to your hard drive, then click on 905c9xd1.exe to uncompress the file. See the readme.txt file in the disk2 download for instructions on loading the drivers.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 18436 04-07-99 13:40 Disk1/EL90X.DO_ 37094 08-01-00 04:13 Disk1/el90xbc3.sy_ 37459 08-01-00 04:13 Disk1/el90xbc4.sy_ 40639 08-01-00 04:13 Disk1/el90xbc5.sy_ 37890 01-05-00 09:01 Disk1/el90xnd3.sy_ 37169 01-05-00 09:06 Disk1/el90xnd4.sy_ 45173 01-05-00 09:14 Disk1/el90xnd5.sy_ 7471 01-13-99 09:19 Disk1/license.txt 6786 01-06-00 11:01 Disk1/netdi90x.dl_ 80971 12-17-99 10:20 Disk1/nicprop.ex_ 34492 01-04-99 12:45 Disk1/NWSERVER/3C90X.LAN 7192 08-27-99 19:07 Disk1/NWSERVER/3C90X.LDI 50532 06-28-00 06:52 Disk1/NWSERVER/3c90xc.lan 7340 09-03-99 03:18 Disk1/NWSERVER/3c90xc.ldi 12507 03-01-99 03:37 Disk1/NWSERVER/ETHERTSM.NLM 94615 03-01-99 04:43 Disk1/NWSERVER/MSM.NLM 31531 09-16-98 21:25 Disk1/NWSERVER/Nbi.nlm 34492 01-04-99 12:45 Disk1/NWSERVER/NW3.X/3C90X.LAN 7192 08-27-99 19:07 Disk1/NWSERVER/NW3.X/3C90X.LDI 50532 06-28-00 06:52 Disk1/NWSERVER/NW3.X/3c90xc.lan 7340 09-03-99 03:18 Disk1/NWSERVER/NW3.X/3c90xc.ldi 12507 03-01-99 03:37 Disk1/NWSERVER/NW3.X/ETHERTSM.NLM 86493 03-01-99 04:47 Disk1/NWSERVER/NW3.X/MSM31X.NLM 45581 10-20-98 10:08 Disk1/NWSERVER/NW3.X/Nbi31x.nlm 72120 01-13-00 09:33 Disk1/Oemsetup.inf 165 07-25-00 08:00 Disk1/Partno 23552 02-26-99 05:12 Disk1/PREINSTL.EXE 29052 06-13-00 10:39 Disk1/readme.txt 10663 08-07-00 09:21 Disk1/w9x90xbc.cat 28159 08-01-00 04:13 Disk1/W9x90xbc.inf 26 04-29-99 05:07 Disk1/w9xel90x.cat 17728 01-12-00 09:34 Disk1/W9xel90x.inf 31787 02-14-99 14:33 Disk1/WFW311/3C90X.CO_ 34500 02-08-99 06:40 Disk1/WFW311/EL90X.38_ 18436 04-07-99 13:40 Disk1/WFW311/EL90X.DO_ 721 05-17-99 06:47 Disk1/WFW311/OEMSETUP.INF -------- ---- 1098343 36 files

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