2 Feb 2025


3Com 3C905C Network Driver

Company: 3Com
Model: 3C905C
Operating System: Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 3c90xx1.exe


3Com 3C905C Driver. This is a self extracting file. Create a folder in the root directory(C /) of your hard drive called 3COM. Put the downloaded file in that directory. Double click on the file and it will self extract and inflate the files you need for Win98. In the device manger, highlite the 3com card, choose "properties", choose "update driver," point Windows to the correct directory for the files it needs to make the network card work and it should do the rest. Follow the prompts and reboot. Abra Cadabra!!!

I actually found this driver at 3COM's site with little hassle. What a surprise! Just TRY and find a US Robotics modem driver there since 3COM bought them out. You'll wind up with a headache and frustrated!

Affordable computer solutions are at fireprooftech.com

File Contents:
No file content information available at this time.

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