12 Mar 2025


Adaptec ANA-69011, Version: 4.2 Network Driver

Company: Adaptec
Model: ANA-69011, Version: 4.2
Operating System: Windows 95 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: dura_pci_v42_w9x_nt.exe


Adaptec ANA-69011, Version: 4.2 Driver. DuraLAN Drivers version 4.2 for Windows 9x, NT 3.51 and 4.0

DuraLAN version 4.2 drivers for Windows 95, Windows 98 Standalone drivers, Windows NT v3.51 and 4.0 Standalone, Failover, Port Aggregation and FEC.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 54143 03-25-99 21:47 oemsetup.inf 38860 04-14-98 17:10 snmpmibs/duralink.mib 10982 08-26-98 18:19 win95a/adpts95a.inf 305152 04-05-99 13:58 commonnt/i386/adptsf.dll 51200 04-05-99 13:55 commonnt/i386/sfbmon.exe 108454 03-24-99 17:48 commonnt/i386/adptsf.hlp 2085 03-24-99 17:48 commonnt/i386/adptsf.cnt 12288 04-05-99 14:03 commonnt/i386/perfstar.dll 705 03-05-98 13:31 commonnt/i386/adptsfpm.h 452 02-05-98 12:41 commonnt/i386/adptsfpm.ini 79360 04-05-99 14:17 commonnt/i386/afailovr35.dll 78848 04-05-99 14:17 commonnt/i386/adptsfdi35.dll 78848 04-05-99 14:02 commonnt/i386/afailovr40.dll 78336 04-05-99 14:02 commonnt/i386/adptsfdi40.dll 11050 03-17-99 12:26 adptsf9x.inf 89840 04-05-99 14:03 windows/i386/macdmp.exe 39600 04-05-99 14:18 windows/i386/adptsf30.sys 39792 04-05-99 14:13 windows/i386/adptsf40.sys 41520 04-05-99 14:21 windows/i386/portagg/adptsf30.sys 41680 04-05-99 14:16 windows/i386/portagg/adptsf40.sys 1242 03-25-99 22:24 readme.txt -------- ---- 1164437 21 files

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