11 Mar 2025


US Robotics USR9003 Network Driver

Company: US Robotics
Model: USR9003
Operating System:   (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: USR9003_20030403_43E2EA9E.zip


US Robotics USR9003 Driver. USR9003 SureConnect ADSL Ethernet/USB Router

Firmware Upgrade version 20030403 43E2EA9E - Annex A only (ADSL over Analog)

Note: In order to prevent your browser from trying to open these files, right-click the file and select Save Target As... to download.

Follow the directions below to perform the upgrade.

Extract the zip file to a temporary directory such as C:\USR.

Verify that your modem is connected to your computer through an Ethernet or USB cable and make sure your modem is powered on.

Your computer should already have an IP address in the 192.168.1.x network. If it does not, configure your computer with a static IP address of, subnet of, and Gateway of

Note: For more information on IP addresses, refer to the User Guide at the top of this page.

Perform a ping procedure. Open a DOS window (for Windows 98 and ME users, select Start, Run, enter Command, and click OK; for Windows NT, 2000, and NT users, select Start, Run, enter cmd, and click OK) and enter ping If successful, proceed to Step 5. If not, refer to the "Troubleshooting" section of the User Guide at the top of this page.

From the DOS Window, change directories to the temporary directory where you extracted the zip file and type, cd C:\USR (or the temporary location where you originally extracted the zip file).

Type FTP

You will be asked to log on. To do so, type root in the Username field and press ENTER. Type 12345 in the Password field and press ENTER.

Type bin and press ENTER.

Type hash and press ENTER.

Type lcd and press ENTER to confirm your local directory.

Type put application.bin app, press ENTER, and wait until the file transfer is complete.

Type bye and press ENTER to exit the FTP session.

Restart the modem. To do so, press the power button labelled O/I twice.

Release Version: 1.11

Code Versions :

- 20030403 43E2EA9E AnnexA (for Annex A modems)

Hardware revision in serial number: 4

Annex A L1 Firmware: 43E2EA9E (TR48 settings)

Annex B L1 Firmware: N/A

Installation CD Part Number: R31.0095.00

USB Driver Version:

EasyConfigurator utility Version: 1.63

Features & Enhancements

Release 1.11

1.Fixed connectivity issues for G.lite modulation.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 1122484 05-22-03 18:32 application.bin -------- ---- 1122484 1 files

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