12 Mar 2025


US Robotics USR5416 Network Driver

Company: US Robotics
Model: USR5416
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: USR5416_Windows_XP.zip


US Robotics USR5416 Driver. These are the actual files required to run the card, without the client manager to get in the way of the built in Windows XP one that works just fine.

NOTE: If you are using 256-bit encryption, you MUST use the USR client manager because the Windows XP Wireless Zero Config utility doesn't support it.

ANOTHER NOTE: These drivers do NOT have WPA support, as it is not currently available from USR, even though it was originally promised by the end of February, 2004.

For users of Driverloader with Linux: The three files required to use this will be extracted to C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers as "usr11g.sys" and "tiacx111.bin" and to C:\WINDOWS\inf as "usr11g.inf." These three files can be used to install this card using Driverloader because.

The two .exe files are simply WinRAR self-extractors that automatically extract the files to the proper locations, they do not contain any additional unnecessary or harmful files.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 143612 04-01-04 20:12 Step 1.exe 49888 04-01-04 18:50 Step 2.exe 4364 04-01-04 20:14 readme.txt -------- ---- 197864 3 files

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