28 Feb 2025


Other Companies Alcatel speedtouch 330 usb Network Driver

Company: Other Companies
Model: Alcatel speedtouch 330 usb
Operating System: Other (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: Alcatel-USB-RCF1483-KPN.zip


Other Companies Alcatel speedtouch 330 usb Driver. RFC 1483 driver for Alcatel Speedtouch 330 usb modem. If your ISP uses this protocol you only have to adjust the 'phonebook.ini' settings vci/vpi to the ones they require. These settings are for Babyxl in the Netherlands (0/34).
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 7598 07-02-02 14:55 alcawan.cat 245 03-06-02 21:52 Phonebook/phonebook.ini 861184 07-02-02 14:55 Programs/dragdiag.exe 1618432 07-02-02 14:55 Programs/stdialup.exe 38468 07-02-02 14:55 Tools/dm.exe 41472 07-02-02 14:55 Tools/regutil.exe 33288 07-02-02 14:55 Tools/scan.exe 7918 07-02-02 14:55 alcandis.inf 9372 07-02-02 14:55 alcastw.inf 36048 07-02-02 14:55 Driver/alca98ln.sys 4016 07-02-02 14:55 Driver/alcacr95.sys 4000 07-02-02 14:55 Driver/alcacrnt.sys 36048 07-02-02 14:55 Driver/alcan5ln.sys 53168 07-02-02 14:55 Driver/alcan5wn.sys 743136 07-02-02 14:55 Driver/alcaudsl.sys 7598 07-02-02 14:55 Driver/alcawan.cat 5984 07-02-02 14:55 Driver/alcawh95.sys 5312 07-02-02 14:55 Driver/alcawhnt.sys 8819 07-02-02 14:55 Driver/alcstusb.cat 5607 07-02-02 14:55 Driver/stci.dll 21336 07-02-02 14:55 Driver/valcacr.vxd 8819 07-02-02 14:55 alcstusb.cat 73 07-02-02 14:55 autorun.inf 2074039 07-02-02 14:55 data1.cab 22826 07-02-02 14:55 data1.hdr 512 07-02-02 14:55 data2.cab 1030 07-02-02 14:55 DUN.ini 339565 07-02-02 14:55 ikernel.ex_ 12016 07-02-02 14:55 Inactive.bmp 477 07-02-02 14:55 layout.bin 921656 07-02-02 14:55 setup.bmp 208384 07-02-02 14:55 Setup.exe 628 07-02-02 14:55 Setup.ini 270545 07-02-02 14:55 Setup.inx 36864 07-02-02 14:55 start.exe 22616 07-02-02 14:55 usbmodem.bmp -------- ---- 7469099 36 files

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