1 Mar 2025


Microsoft MN-520 Network Driver

Company: Microsoft
Model: MN-520
Operating System: Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: MSWAN_DRV.zip


Microsoft MN-520 Driver. When unzipped, this package contains the driver files necessary to install Microsoft wireless client adapters used with Microsoft Broadband Networking applications, as well as with public WiFi networks.

These drivers are intended primarily for Windows 98/98SE/ME, 2000 and XP. (It is not known if they will work with Windows NT4.0 or Vista.) They should be enough to successfully install Microsoft PCI, PCMCIA, and USB wireless client adapters into above operating systems.

The OS installation CD or CABS folder may be necessary to support these driver files, if prompted for them during driver installation.

When unzipped, the contents of this file may be copied to a floppy disk for older desktop (or laptop computers without a CD-ROM drive), that meet operating system requirements. This package was designed to be compact enough for that purpose, but installs Microsoft wireless client adapters very well. (These adapter driver files are "the basics" from the Microsoft Broadband Networking Installation CD.)

File Contents:
No file content information available at this time.

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