Model: ARtem Onair PCI Adapter Model 0901
Operating System: (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)
ARtem GmbH ARtem Onair PCI Adapter Model 0901 Driver.
File Contents: Length Date Time Name
-------- ---- ---- ----
4488 08-22-02 15:23 WinXp/Readme.txt
155648 08-21-02 14:57 WinXp/WAART48B.dll
73728 08-21-02 14:56 WinXp/wcART48B.exe
7622 08-22-02 12:14 WinXp/WDART48B.dll
8625 08-26-02 16:17 WinXp/WLART48B.inf
155648 08-21-02 14:50 WinXp/WLART48B.sys
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405759 6 files