Model: Kingston EtheRx Wireless PCMCIA 11 Mbps Adapter
Operating System: (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)
File: knw-pci11_12.exe
Kingston Kingston EtheRx Wireless PCMCIA 11 Mbps Adapter Driver.
File Contents: Length Date Time Name
-------- ---- ---- ----
561452 10-21-00 10:15
13683 10-21-00 10:15 data1.hdr
403904 10-21-00 10:15
256259 10-21-00 10:15 ikernel.ex_
16384 01-31-01 00:06 KNWPCM11.DLL
8628 02-01-01 11:59 KNWPCM11.GID
8914 01-31-01 00:06 KNWPCM11.HLP
12081 02-14-01 12:16 KNWPCM11.INF
43156 02-13-01 20:07 KNWPCM11.SYS
422 10-21-00 10:15 layout.bin
43831 02-02-01 14:44 OEMSETUP.INF
35840 10-21-00 10:15 Setup.exe
134 10-21-00 10:15 Setup.ini
134586 10-21-00 10:15 setup.inx
5 02-13-01 20:28 UTILITY/
45312 01-18-97 12:53 UTILITY/setup.exe
51 02-13-01 20:28 UTILITY/setup.ini
70711 06-18-98 13:43 UTILITY/setup.ins
102 02-13-01 20:28 UTILITY/setup.pkg
320411 01-18-97 13:04 UTILITY/_inst32i.ex_
8192 09-07-95 21:22 UTILITY/_isdel.exe
388078 02-13-01 20:13 UTILITY/_setup.1
6128 12-19-96 17:03 UTILITY/_setup.dll
192896 02-13-01 20:13 UTILITY/_setup.lib
12146 01-31-01 00:11 WIN2000/PCM11K.INF
36258 02-13-01 20:23 WIN2000/PCM11K.SYS
-------- ----
2619564 26 files