Model: TokenExpress(tm) EISA/32 Adapter
Operating System: Other (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)
File: te32dsk1.exe
Novell TokenExpress(tm) EISA/32 Adapter Driver. "TokenExpress(tm) EISA/32 Adapter
File Contents: Driver Disks Software Release 5.0 These are the Release 5.0 archives for TokenExpress(tm) EISA/32 adapters. They include new drivers with increased performance (up to 30%).
TE32DSK1.EXE contains TokenExpress Classic 32bit (EISA/32) adapter Install and NetWare* Drivers.
TE32DSK2.EXE contains TokenExpress Classic 32bit (EISA/32) adapter NDIS and Other Drivers."
Disk 1 of 2
No file content information available at this time.